After that we had business in getting next year's executive and committee members settled. Those will be listed on a new page shortly.
Then it was time for show and tell, the reason we all come out.
Ron made a tshirt quilt for his boss, celebrating 5 years of business. The next week, he hand delivered it on their annual business trip, this time in Hawaii. Poor guy.

Kathy H and her Desert Sky quilt from a workshop this year. She quilted it herself with feathers from a workshop we did last year. Way to go Kathy!
Then she made a runner with extra blocks.
Another finish!
Linda D with two older projects she finally got quilted and finished.
One of the first round robin projects we did this year. More to come!
Janet with her yoga bag she designed and a yoga mat carrier.
Debbie has been very busy.
Diane is hooked on rope bowls now, and some pincushions.
Ruth and her scrappy houses.
Quilt as you go - another older project finally done.
This is a panel if you can believe it.